Presented by twoplus fertility
When we learned about “the birds and bees” few of us heard how extraordinary it is when pregnancy actually occurs.
Just one sperm and one egg need to meet cute and bond. With men usually contributing millions of sperm at each release, how could there be a disconnect?
The truth is that despite all the excitement, traditionally, less than 1% of sperm gets near the egg.
When you’re having trouble having a baby, that math doesn’t add up.
When we learned about ‘the birds and bees,’ few of us heard how extraordinary it is when pregnancy actually occurs.
Especially if male-factor is playing a role on the frustrating road to parenthood (as it does in a number of cases), couples may want to consider additional ways to leverage their odds.
Benjamin Tee and Prusothman Raja, co-founders of twoplus fertility, are hoping that their solution will help couples trying to conceive.
Ben says fertilization is a marvel in that “it’s like a helicopter trying to land precious cargo in the middle of an earthquake within an area less than a 10-centimeter diameter.”
They created twoplus as an inexpensive, easy-to-use, comfortable, and drug-free solution to use during sex to make the “landing” stick. The soft, silicone, lacrosse-paddle-shaped guide facilitates a more concentrated flow of sperm in the vaginal tract toward the egg.

It takes one sperm to fertilize the egg, but we really need at least a hundred.
Pru says: “It takes one sperm to fertilize the egg, but we really need at least a hundred. The fastest ‘swimmer’ doesn’t fertilize the egg but when multiple sperm reach the egg, the crowding effect can weaken the egg cell walls enough for one to break through.”
And…so far, the first couple that tried twoplus not only conceived but recently had a healthy baby.
The couple, who prefers to remain anonymous, are Americans in their late 30s. They had their first child in their mid 30s and wanted to have more but worried about declining fertility as they age. They had been trying for months with no success until they found twoplus.
The husband says: “What we liked about the twoplus was that…it gave us a way to maximize the odds of sperm getting where they needed to go…A few months after trying it, my wife had a positive pregnancy test. We’re very grateful that twoplus helped us grow our family during a stressful time of uncertainty.”
Ben says the twoplus team is excited about the immediate positive result.
He knows firsthand how difficult it can be to deal with infertility.
He and his wife had trouble conceiving. They went through several years of trying, invasive tests, and multiple rounds of IUI and IVF, until they finally had a child.
All along, Ben, an award-winning scientist and innovator, kept researching ways to increase their chances—simply.
Though they had a baby before twoplus was realized, Ben says: “Seeing the birth of my child, having the baby in our arms helped motivate us to want to help others.”
IVF worked for them, but, he says, “we wanted a solution that was cheaper and a lot less life-altering.”
Twoplus fertility is in an early stage but the founders’ extensive research, their first success story, and the simplicity of the product makes it a promising option to aid couples who are struggling to conceive.
The twoplus team has received motivating positive feedback from women.
Diane P. shared: “For women like myself who have gone through a lot of heartache and difficulty with IVF and the injectable hormones, [using twoplus] feels like you’re doing something while not manipulating your body’s natural state. The twoplus sperm guide is natural, comfortable, and easy to use.”
Even though having a baby is often a couple’s journey, it is usually women who feel responsible and take on the full burden of trying to solve any problems.
Fertility solutions are usually focused on and put a lot of the burden on women…There aren’t many solutions that address the men. We help with the other half of the equation.
While some women may have a vaginal canal that’s more acidic than ideal for fertilization, there could also be a lack of sufficient sperm count or motility.
Typically, women trying to increase the odds of making a sperm-egg match, get into the legs-in-the-air-like-you-really-really-care yoga move to prevent sperm spillage!
The sperm guide has gone through about 1,000 design permutations to get to the current simple, comfortable version. It’s suitable for differences in anatomy and body size.
Of course, it may take a little practice to use.
Ben says: “Most couples are not going to be familiar with using a device like this. We advise that couples do a test run before having sex during ovulation. Once people do it the first time, they come back and tell us that it’s really easy to use.”
Pru adds: “All the reviews and feedback we receive come from women. One commented that ‘it’s as easy as using a tampon.'”
Pru continues: “Fertility solutions are usually focused on and put a lot of the burden on women…There aren’t many solutions that address the men. We help with the other half of the equation.”
Even better, the twoplus fertility device is a solution for couples to use together.
The stress and demands of a fertility journey can sometimes challenge a couple’s relationship, so a simple solution to increase the odds of conceiving and bring a couple together is a “bird-and-bees” breakthrough and a cause for hope.
Find out more about twoplus fertility here.
Don’t forget to use our code “Pregnantish30” to get a 30% discount.

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